Research Papers
Dr. Nandy’s dedication to advancing surgical oncology is reflected in his numerous research publications and international presentations. Explore his groundbreaking work in minimally invasive surgical techniques, liver resections, and pancreatic surgeries.

Highlights- 45 publications,
i10 index-7
Research Interest’s Keywords- Surgical Oncology, Hepatobiliary surgery, Pancreatic surgery, Laparoscopic Surgery, Robotic Surgery, Neuroendocrine tumors, Minimal Access Surgical Oncology, Medical Statistics
Original articles
- Role of preoperative transarterial chemoembolization (TACE) in intermediate-stage hepatocellular carcinoma (Hong Kong Cancer Stage IIB) by Kunal Nandy, Gurudutt Varty, Shraddha Patkar, Tanvi Shah, Kaival Gundavda, Kunal Gala, Nitin Shetty, Suyash Kulkarni and Mahesh Goel in World Journal Of Surgery in December 2024
- Long-term outcomes after resection of extra-ampullary duodenal adenocarcinomas - Single Centre Experience by Kunal Nandy, Dhruv Patel, Abdeali Saif Arif Kaderi, Gauri Deshpande, Vikas Ostwal, Anant Ramaswamy, Vikram Chaudhari, Shailesh Shrikhande, Manish Bhandare in Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery in August 2024
- Realizing textbook outcomes following liver resection for hepatic neoplasms with development and validation of a predictive nomogram by Kaival Gundavda, Shraddha Patkar, Sadhana Kannan, Gurudutt Varty, Kunal Nandy, Tanvi Shah, Kaushik Polusany, Sohan Lal Solanki, Suyash Kulkarni, Nitin Shetty, Kunal Gala, Vikas Ostwal, Anant Ramaswamy, Prabhat Bhargava, and Mahesh Goel in Annals of Surgical Oncology in August 2024
- Preventing futile surgery in intrahepatic and perihilar cholangiocarcinoma: Can we identify preoperative factors to improve patient selection and optimize outcomes by Mahesh Goel, Gurudutt Varty, Shraddha Patkar, V Meghana, Mufaddal Kazi, Kunal Nandy, Vikas Ostwal, Anant Ramaswamy, Kunal Gala and Nitin Shetty
- Tumor burden score as a prognostic factor in patients with intermediate and locally advanced hepatocellular carcinoma undergoing liver resection: An attempt to extend resectability criteria by Kunal Nandy, Shraddha Patkar, Gurudutt Varty, Tanvi Shah, Akash Pawar, Mahesh Goel in HPB in June 2024
- Differential Impact of Incrementally Elevated CA 19.9 Levels on Prognosis of Resected Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma by Manish Bhandare, Vikas Gupta, Vikram Chaudhari, Kunal Nandy, Vikas Ostwal, Anant Ramaswamy, Chaitali Nashikkar, Reena Engineer, Rahul Krishnatry, Shailesh V Shrikhande in HPB in June 2024
- Standardizing Surgical Management of Retroperitoneal Sarcomas: Dawn of a New Surgical Subspeciality in India by Shraddha Patkar, Tanvi Shah, Jasmine Agarwal, Gurudutt Varty, Kunal Nandy and Mahesh Goel in Annals of Surgical Oncology in May 2024
- Minimally Invasive Simultaneous Colorectal and Liver Resection for Synchronous Colorectal Liver Metastasis-Short-Term Outcomes by Kunal Nandy, Mufaddal Kazi, Shraddha Patkar, Gurudutt Varty, Ashwin De Souza, Avanish Saklani and Mahesh Goel in Indian Journal of Surgical Oncology in June 2024
- Neuroendocrine neoplasms of the gallbladder; A single institute analysis of outcomes and prognostic factors by Kunal Nandy, Shraddha Patkar, Subhash Yadav, Vikas Ostwal, Anant Ramaswamy, Prabhat Bhargav and Mahesh Goel in Journal of Surgical Oncology in February 2024
- Outcomes of Robotic surgery in a single institution, high volume hepatobiliary oncology unit by Kunal Nandy, Shraddha Patkar, Gurudutt Varty, Tanvi Shah and Mahesh Goel in Indian Journal of Surgical Oncology in January 2024
- Simultaneous surgical management of malignancy and coronary heart disease by Kunal Nandy, Bharath Gangadhara, Sreekanth Reddy, Murali Chakravarthy, Vivek Jawali, Sudarshan Gangonahalli Thimmaiah, Ameenuddin Khan and Sandeep Peraje Nayak in Indian Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery in January 2024
- Role of intraoperative frozen section assessment of proximal bile duct margins and the impact of additional re-resection in perihilar cholangiocarcinoma by Gurudutt Varty, Mahesh Goel, Kunal Nandy, Kedar Deodhar, Tanvi Shah and Shraddha Patkar in Indian Journal of Surgical Oncology in January 2024.
- Is polypropylene mesh reconstruction functionally superior to non-reconstructive group following total scapular resection? A retrospective analysis of 16 patients and a systematic review of literature by Abhijeet Ashok Salunke, Kunal Nandy, Mayur Kamani, Rahul Parmar, Nandlal Bharwani, Subodh Pathak, Keval Patel and Shashank Pandya in Journal of Orthopedics in February 2024
- Surgical outcomes of T4b oral cancers; assessment of prognostic factors and a need to re-evaluate the current staging system by Shreya Rai, Kunal Nandy, Supreet Bhatt, Dhaval Patel, Mohammed Mithi and Priyank Rathod in International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery in May 2022.
- Salvage surgery for recurrent carcinoma of the oral cavity: Assessment of Prognostic factors by Kunal Nandy, Shreya Rai, Supreet Bhatt, Ketul Puj, Priyank Rathod and Abhishek Gangopadhyay in International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery in July 2021.
- Management of chyle leak after head and neck surgery; Our meritorious experience in 52 cases and review of literature by Kunal Nandy, Dipin Jayaprakash, Shreya Rai, Ajay Kumar, Ketul Puj and Umank Tripathi in Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery in May 2021
- Bi-lobed Pectoralis Major Myocutaneous flap reconstruction; a single institution experience of 150 patients and methods to prevent complications by Kunal Nandy, Dipin Jayaprakash, Supreet Bhatt, Mohamed Taher Mithi, Prachur Kumar and Priyank Rathod in Journal of Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery in November 2020.
- Survival impact of surgical resection in locally advanced T4b oral squamous cell carcinoma by Abhishek Gangopadhyay, Supreet Bhatt, Kunal Nandy, Shreya Rai, Priyank Rathod and Ketul Puj in The Laryngoscope in January 2021
- Primary Chest Wall Sarcoma; A single institution experience of 3 years by Abhishek Gangopadhyay, Kunal Nandy, Ketul Puj, Mohit Sharma, Dipin Jayaprakash, Abhijeet Salunke, Abhishek Jain and Shashank Pandya in Cancer Treatment and Research Communications in January 2021.
- A Prospective Cohort Study in Laparoscopic Inguinal Hernia Repair: Mesh Fixation versus Non-fixation by Kavin Sugumar, Kunal Nandy, Sameer Rege and Aparna Deshpande in Nigerian Journal of Surgery in July 2021
- A Proposed Radiological Evaluation Score for Bone Tumours (REST): An objective tool for documentation and evaluation of radiographs in a patient with suspected bone tumors by Abhijeet Ashok Salunke, Kunal Nandy, Ketul Puj, Mayur Kamani, Subodh Pathak, Jaymin Shah, Raghavendra Bhalerao, Abhishek Jain, Mohit Sharma, Vikas Warikoo, Keval Patel, Priyank Rathod, Supreet Bhatt, Tanmay Tank and Shashank Pandya in Musculoskeletal Surgery by Springer Nature in April 2021
- Bilobed PMMC in females; Our challenging yet meritorious experience by Dipin Jayaprakash, Kunal Nandy, Umank Tripathi, Mohamed Taher Mithi, Ronak Vyas and Sudam Sadangi in Indian Journal of Surgical Oncology in Octobar 2020.
- A proposed clino-radio-pathological risk scoring system (CRiSS) for prediction and management of inguinal lymph-nodes metastasis in squamous cell carcinoma of the penis by Keval Patel, Chirag Bhirud, Dipin Jayaprakash, Kunal Nandy, Vivek Venugopal, Abhijeet Salunke and Shashank J Pandya in Surgical Oncology by Elsevier Publishing House in December 2020.
- A proposed ‘‘A to Z RAM (Radiograph Assessment Method)’’ for triage of patients with a suspected bone tumor by Abhijeet Ashok Salunke, Kunal Nandy, Mayur Kamani, Ketul Puj, Subodh Pathak, Keval Patel, Raghavendra Bhalerao, Abhishek Jain, Mohit Sharma, Vikas Warikoo, Supreet Bhatt, Priyank Rathod and Shashank Pandya in Radiography in January 2021
- Clinical and oncological outcomes of chondroblastic osteosarcoma: a single institutional experience by Ronak Vyas, Abhijeet Salunke, Vikas Warikoo, Jaymin Shah, Mayur Kamani, Kunal Nandy, Sudam Sadangi and Shashank Pandya in Indian Journal of orthopedics. 2020 April.
- A community response survey on an ABCD scoring system for patient’s self assessment with symptoms of COVID-19 by Kunal Nandy, Anant Dhanwate, Abhijeet Ashok Salunke, Tanmay Tank, Keval Patel, Subodh Pathak, Prem Menon, Sachin Upadhay, Sassender Shanmugasundaram, Chirag Bhirud, Ankit Sharma, Pritam Patil, Shivhar Vijayrao Sonawane and Shashank Pandya in Diabetes and metabolic syndrome; clinical research and review in May 2021.
- Hepatic Capillariasis-Drug targets: by Dubey A, Bagchi A, Sharma D, Kunal Nandy, Dey A, Sharma R in Infect Disord Drug Targets. 2017 Apr 27.
- Role of nuclear tracers in the diagnosis and management of ectopic thyroid nodules and ectopic thyroid tissue by Amit Kumar Dey, Amit Lodha, Dham Chand Jain, Ahmed Soukat Ali, Kunal Nandy, Abhishek Dubey, Abhinav Garg, Kalaimani Elango and Kartik Mittal in the journal of nuclear medicine and radiation therapy,2015.
- Early Diagnosis of Carcinoma of Gall bladder-a case series by Kavin Sugumar, Itika Garg, and Kunal Nandy in IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) e-ISSN: 2279-0853, p-ISSN: 2279-0861.Volume 16, Issue 10 Ver. III (Oct. 2017), PP 74-76
Systemic reviews and meta-analysis
- Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): A systemic review and meta-analysis to evaluate the impact of various comorbidities on serious events by Kunal Nandy, Abhijeet Salunke, Subodh Pathak, Apurva Pandey, Chinmay Doctor, Ketul Puj, Mohit Sharma, Abhishek Jain, and Vikas Warikoo, in Diabetes and metabolic syndrome; clinical research and review in June 2020.
- Impact of COVID-19 in cancer patients on the severity of disease and fatal outcomes: A systematic review and Meta-Analysis by Abhijeet Salunke, Kunal Nandy, Subodh Pathak, Jaymin Shah, Mayur Kamani, Vishwanth Kottakota, Praveen Thivari, Apurva Pandey, Keval Patel, Priyank Rathod, Supreet Bhatt, Parissema Dave and Shashank Pandya in Diabetes and metabolic syndrome; clinical research and review in July 2020.
- No Benefit of Hydroxychloroquine in COVID-19: Results of Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials by Subodh Kumar Pathak, Abhijeet Salunke, Praveen Thivari, Apurva Pandey, Kunal Nandy, Harish VK Ratna, Sanjay Pandey, Jasneet Chawla, Jalil Mujawar, Anant Dhanwate and Vivek Menon in Diabetes and metabolic syndrome; clinical research and review in September 2020.
- Corticosteroid Injection for the Treatment of Trigger Finger: A Meta-Analysis of Randomised Control Trials by Subodh Pathak, Abhijeet Salunke, Prem Menon, Praveen Thivari, Kunal Nandy and Chen Yongsheng in Thee Journal of Hand Surgery( Asia Pacific Volume) in January 2022
Case reports and correspondence
- Massive pedunculated Focal Nodular Hyperplasia: A diagnostic dilemma by Kunal Nandy, Shraddha Patkar and Mahesh Goel in Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery in February 2023
- Pseudovascular adenoid squamous cell carcinoma of buccal mucosa-a rare aggressive variant by Vivek Venugopal, Kunal Nandy, Supreet Bhatt, and Rujuta Shah in Indian Journal of Surgical Oncology in April 2021
- Spontaneous rupture of pheochromocytoma presenting as acute retroperitoneal hemorrhage by Kunal Nandy, Amit Dey, Kavin Sugumar and Aparna Deshpande in American Journal of Medical Sciences in November 2020.
- A rare case of spontaneous massive retroperitoneal hemorrhage due to idiopathic lumbar artery bleed by Kunal Nandy, Patel M, Deshpande A. Journal of Emergencies, Trauma, and Shock. 2018 Jul 1;11(3):238-9.
- An unusual case of abdominal leiomyoma presenting as a free lying intra-peritoneal mass in an elderly gentleman- a case report by Amrit Nasta, Kunal Nandy, and Yogesh Bansod in Case reports in Surgery by Hindawi Publishing Corporation,2016.
- Congenital Sideroblastic Anaemia-classic presentation by Abhishek Dubey, Amit Kumar Dey, Kunal Nandy, Abhinav Garg, and Meet Kadakia in the journal of clinical and diagnostic research,2016.
- Primary leiomyosarcoma of humerus presenting with pathological fracture and treated initially with inadvertent plate fixation: A case report with literature review by Kunal Nandy, Abhijeet Ashok Salunke, Jaymin Shah, Mayur Kamani, Chirag Agarwal, Sudam Sadangi, Ronak Vyas and Shashank Pandya in SN Comprehensive Clinical Medicine by Springer Nature Journal, Switzerland in August 2020.
- A proposed ABCD scoring system for patient’s self-assessment and at the emergency department with symptoms of COVID-19 by Abhijeet Salunke, Subodh Pathak, Anant Dhanwate, Vikas Warikoo, Kunal Nandy, Harshal Mendhe, Viswanth Kottakota, Rahul Madhukar, Shinde Shubham, Ashok Patil, Tehsin Petiwala and Shashank Pandya in Diabetes and metabolic syndrome; clinical research and review in August 2020.
- Primary Actinomycosis of the foot: A case report and literature review by Kunal Nandy, Amrit Nasta, Kavin Sugumar, and Amit Dey in the SAS journal of surgery,2016.
- A Rare case of Drain site metastasis in an operated case of Right hemicolectomy for carcinoma of ascending colon: a case report by Kunal Nandy, Amiteshwar Singh, V. Karthik, Amit Dey in SAS journal of surgery 2017.
- Squamous Cell Carcinomas of the Cornea: A Case Report by D Jayaprakash, K Nandy, V Trivedi, S Sadangi - Oncology Insights, 2022.
- Participated in blood donation camps with the department of transfusion medicine, KEM hospital during an internship in 2015, and MS residency in 2017.
- Volunteered for blood donation 6 times then got motivated to donate single donor platelets (SDP). I have been doing SDP donation since 2012 and have donated for more than 40 times since then and continuing.
- Volunteered as ‘Corona Frontline warrior’ at GCRI, Ahmedabad during the corona pandemic in 2020.
- Volunteered for convalescent plasma donation at Civil hospital, Ahmedabad, and Red Cross Ahmedabad, Gujarat.